OmniWatch Review – How Should You Respond to the Theft of Your Identity?

Identity theft is a pressing concern and we are experiencing a significant rise. As technology becomes more intertwined with daily life, the opportunities for malicious actors to steal personal information have increased exponentially. In this Omniwatch Review, we will cover what this tool is, its effectiveness, how to protect yourself from identity theft as a whole, and how you should respond to the theft of your identity if it happens.

Identity theft is when someone steals your personal information and uses this private information, typically for financial gain. This can include stealing social security numbers, credit card details, or other personal data.

OmniWatch Review - How Should You Respond to the Theft of Your Identity?

The thief might use this information to open new accounts, make purchases, or commit other fraudulent activities in the name of the victim, leading to financial loss and credit damage for the person whose identity was stolen.

This year the most common ways someone gets access to your identity is through phishing emails or messages that trick you into giving away your info, breaking into your online accounts, stealing credit card details, or using easy-to-guess passwords.

With more people buying and sharing stuff online, it’s easier for these thieves to get your information. Also, smarter hacking methods and lots of people using social media also make it riskier.

OmniWatch emerges as another solution in the battle against identity protection.

With identity theft on the rise, safeguarding personal information has become paramount. OmniWatch offers an array of tools designed to monitor and protect your identity which we will describe further in the article.

How Does OmniWatch Stop Identity Theft?

OmniWatch offers a suite of services to help individuals protect their finances and identity. This compilation of tools is designed to actively monitor your risks while at the same time offering industry-leading insurance & protection. Let’s go into a little more detail.

Omniwatch Data Breach Alerts and Credit Monitoring

Omniwatch provides Data Breach Alerts which are notifications you receive when your personal information is involved in a data breach. These notices will notify you that sensitive data may have been accessed by unauthorized parties.

Data Breach Aleerts OmniWatch Review.

Their parent company has over 10 years of experience in records management, with a unique advantage in detecting breaches using their database with billions of records. This large database allows them to scan data access points, and collect new data coming in every day. The company that owns Omniwatch has been accredited by the BBB since 2014.

As a member of OmniWatch you also receive Hacker Scan Reports which quickly reveal the extent of your personal information exposure online. The service includes continuous monitoring of your sensitive data for any misuse, particularly on the dark web, which is a common place for stolen information to be traded or used fraudulently.

These features collectively offer a comprehensive view of your digital identity’s security, alerting you to potential risks and breaches, and helping you to take timely action to protect your personal information.

OmniWatch Credit Tools

Credit Monitoring is an important part of this service since it continuously oversees your credit report, alerting you to any changes or unusual activities, such as new account openings or credit inquiries.

Thieves have stolen people’s identity and used their personal details to fraudulently secure a mortgage and buy a property or vehicles. This kind of identity theft can be particularly devastating, leaving the victim with massive debts and legal complications. It’s a stark reminder of the severe consequences that identity theft can have, going beyond simple credit card fraud to major financial transactions like buying a house.

Monthly VantageScore – The Monthly VantageScore® Credit Score is a credit score provided to you every month. This score is based on the VantageScore model, a credit scoring model developed by the three major credit bureaus (Experian, TransUnion, Equifax).

An OmniWatch Review circle featuring the words "vantage score".

It’s designed to give you a consistent and accurate measure of your creditworthiness, helping you monitor changes in your credit status over time. Regular updates to this score enable you to track your financial health and quickly detect any potential issues or impacts due to identity theft or credit fraud.

Credit Lock – Credit Lock is a security feature that allows you to lock your credit report, preventing creditors from accessing it. This effectively stops thieves from opening new lines of credit in your name, as most lenders require a credit check before opening an account. By locking your credit, you add an extra layer of protection against identity theft, especially in scenarios where someone tries to use your personal information to fraudulently obtain credit. You can unlock it anytime you need to use it to obtain credit.

OmniWatch Review: A credit score screen with a number and a credit score.

OmniWatch Identity Theft Protection

In addition to their preventative tools to stop ID theft, OmniWatch also offers immediate protection in the event of a breach. This is done through a $2,000,000 insurance policy. This is the largest amount of insurance we were able to find through our research of similar competitors. In fact, it is nearly double most other company policies.

Id theft insurance and id theft resolution  OmniWatch Review

This policy can cover expenses related to recovering your identity, such as legal fees, costs of travel, costs for accounting, loss of wages, and costs for mailing and copying documents. They may also reimburse stolen funds.

It’s important to understand the coverage limits and what is excluded from the policy.

How Should You Respond After the Theft of Your Identity?

If your identity is stolen, you should respond quickly and decisively. The absolute first thing you should do is secure your bank accounts, credit card accounts, and any investment accounts.

OmniWatch Review – Responding to Identity Theft

In case of identity theft occurring, OmniWatch does offer resolution services which can be very helpful in making sure you take the immediate steps to secure accounts and possibly involve law enforcement. The platform’s guidance is vital in navigating these stressful situations.

If you think you are the victim of identity theft, Ominwatch offers you access to US-based experts 24-7. What this means is that these specialists will be able to assist and guide you through the step by step process, and they will handle necessary paperwork on your behalf, making the potentially complex experience a bit more manageable.

How Does OmniWatch Work?

To get started with Omniwatch you need to first choose a plan.

They offer 2 plans Basic and Premium.

OmniWatch Pricing

OmniWatch offers a $1 trial for 7 Days. Click here to claim it.

Within those 7 Days, you will be able to access all of their services including credit reports and monitoring of the dark web. If at any time you are not satisfied OmniWatch makes it very easy to cancel with the click of a button inside your account.

An OmniWatch Review mobile phone with the words try omniwatch on it.

The Basic plan is $9.95/month and offers everything discussed above including:

  • Up to $2 million in identity theft insurance
  • TransUnion credit report monitoring
  • Monthly TransUnion Credit Reports & Vantage 3.0 Scores
  • TransUnion Credit Lock
  • Stolen Funds Reimbursement for any financial account
  • 24/7 U.S. based dedicated identity restoration agents
  • Dark Web Monitoring

Premium is $14.95 per month and offers additional services including:

  • TransUnion®, Experian®, & Equifax® credit monitoring+
  • TransUnion®, Experian®, & Equifax® credit reports (1 every 90 days)+
  • Up to $25,000 in ransomware protection+

This means if you select the premium monthly membership you would also have your credit monitored on all 3 of the top credit monitoring services versus only one. You would also receive your credit reports from all 3 providers every 90 days. In addition to that you would be protected from Ransomware.

Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts a user’s files, with the attacker demanding a ransom to restore access. It has become very common and often they request cryptocurrency.

This OmniWatch ransomware protection would cover expenses related to the ransomware attack, potentially including the ransom payment, recovery costs, and related expenses. It’s a valuable addition in an era where digital security threats, particularly ransomware, are increasingly common.

Should You Buy OmniWatch?

Whether you are wondering how to respond to the theft of your identity, or you are trying to prevent identity theft, a service like OmniWatch can do both.

Buying a service like OmniWatch has its pros and cons.

Pros of Buying OmniWatch:

On the plus side, it offers comprehensive identity protection features like credit monitoring, fraud alerts, and identity theft insurance, which can provide peace of mind and financial security.

Key features include:

  • credit and dark web monitoring,
  • identity theft insurance,
  • a risk assessment tool.
  • insurance provides financial safety
  • user interface is intuitive, facilitating easy management of security settings.

Responding to Identity Theft In case of identity theft, OmniWatch’s resolution services become crucial. Immediate steps should include alerting OmniWatch, securing accounts, and possibly involving law enforcement. The platform’s guidance is vital in navigating these stressful situations.

Cons of Buying OmniWatch

The cons of using a protection service like this include:

  • A potential false sense of security leading to reduced personal vigilance
  • Like most companies in ID theft, they don’t prevent all types of fraud.
  • These services can sometimes be reactive rather than proactive, meaning they alert you after fraud has occurred.
  • Users might also experience inconvenience due to frequent alerts.

OmniWatch Competitor Analysis

Compared to competitors, OmniWatch stands out in terms of better insurance coverage and user experience. It also falls well below the average for pricing offering a much better price compared to others which can be as high as $35 per month. Even though the price is lower the level of service is equal or better in areas like insurance coverage.

For example, Lifelock charges $34.99 per month and offers only $1,000,000 coverage vs Omniwatch’s $2,000,000. Both services offer the same monitoring services for all 3 credit bureaus but Lifelock only offers it annually, vs Omniwatch every 90 days.

FAQ on OmniWatch:

How Will OmniWatch Respond to the Theft of Your Identity?

OmniWatch provides around-the-clock support from specialized agents in the U.S. for identity restoration. They assist you throughout the recovery process, handling necessary documentation, so you can maintain your daily routine while they work on reclaiming your identity and securing reimbursements for any affected financial accounts.

How do I Cancel OmniWatch?

OmniWatch charges a small monthly fee to monitor and protect your identity, and provide insurance should something happen. If you choose to discontinue your OmniWatch plan, the process is straightforward. You can cancel your subscription easily through your account page, with just a few clicks to confirm your decision.

What is the dark web monitoring?

The dark web is a concealed part of the internet used often for illicit activities, including trading stolen data, is monitored by OmniWatch. They alert you to any breaches involving your monitored email addresses, phone numbers, and other private info, and detail the types of data compromised.

How does OmniWatch protect my data?

OmniWatch prioritizes data security by employing robust 256-bit encryption, mandating two-factor authentication for users, and undergoing regular security assessments and audits to ensure the highest level of data protection.


For the low premium monthly fee of $14.95, or standard $9.95, OmniWatch offers robust protection against identity theft and $2,000,000 in coverage should something happen.

The combination of monitoring services, insurance, and resolution support provides a comprehensive safety net. Users should remain vigilant and follow OmniWatch’s guidelines to effectively respond to any identity theft incidents.

Hopefully, our OmniWatch Review has provided the information needed to decide if it’s right for you – For a detailed exploration of OmniWatch’s services, visit OmniWatch’s website.

Using such a service is a proactive step towards safeguarding your identity in an increasingly digital world.


  • Richard Morehouse

    Richard Morehouse is a seasoned financial writer with a wealth of experience in demystifying complex financial concepts and turning them into easily digestible content for readers of all backgrounds. With a passion for personal finance that dates back to his childhood, Richard has dedicated his career to helping individuals and businesses navigate the intricate world of money management.

    [email protected] Morehouse Richard

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